Monday, October 25, 2010

1946 - Strawberry Girl

Dates read: Oct 2010
Read or listened to: Read
Pages: 194 pp.
Rating: ●●●○○

I was impressed by this book mainly because of the strength of some of the characters. Mrs. Boyer was an accepting and forgiving individual who overlooked the apparent weaknesses of her neighbors. She was able to give them the benefit of the doubt that perhaps their situations or certain influences in their lives caused them to act and react the way they did. Just today I read President Monson's October 2009 address on anger. He testifies that we are able to control our anger even when the supposed cause of our emotions are out of our control. I felt that the book "resolved" itself a bit too quickly and that the resolution was not terribly believable. But that is OK, the actual story was enjoyable and hopefully we can see it as timeless.