Dates read: April 2008
Read or listened to: Read
Pages: 58 pp.
Rating: ●●●●●
What a beautifully written story! A couple thoughts:
- The phrasing is short and matter-of-fact. It is so appropriate for the simple prairie life that Anna and her family live. I loved the paragraph on page 14 that describes some of the anticipation prior to Sarah's arrival. Out of nowhere is the line, "Three lambs were born, one with a black face." Then, it continues about the upcoming arrival of Sarah.
- I suppose that the whole idea of the book is the coming together of the different backgrounds and cultures to complete a family. Anna's thoughts: "I wished everything was as perfect as the [sea] stone. I wished that Papa and Caleb and I were perfect for Sarah. I wished we had a sea of our own." How tender and heart felt from a girl who longs for a mother!
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