Thursday, May 1, 2008

1950 - The Door in the Wall

Dates read: April/May 2008
Read or listened to: Read
Pages: 121 pp.
Rating: ●●

I enjoyed this book. As I finished it I was having a hard time deciding what I thought of it so I started reading some reviews online. (Maybe that is cheating--Shouldn't I come to those conclusions on my own? Anyway, it gets my mind thinking and sorts out some ideas.) I figured it out! When I read the back of the book (or whatever I did to get the general gist of the book) I thought it would be an action packed Medieval war book. (I even thought it was a fantasy.) Obviously, I was wrong. It takes place during a war, but there isn't any high drama/action. The book is about people and maturity and some relationships. So--as I was reading the book something really didn't fit, but I thought I liked it so I was a bit conflicted (strong word). Now I know--it's because it was a good book, just not what I expected!

A couple themes:

  • There is always a solution and always a way to contribute.
  • Physical disability doesn't disable everything.
  • The love and support of many (Brother Luke) bring out unknown skills and strengths.
  • Many people (Robin's parents) love us for who we are, not what we are feeling we lack.