Wednesday, May 21, 2008

1929 - The Trumpeter of Krakow

Dates read: May 2008
Read or listened to: Listened to
Pages: 224 pp.
Rating: ●●

This is quite a good book and I think that I would have liked it even more had I read it. The narrator was very good and I liked his accent, but here is the problem: I haven't driven many long distances lately and it was a 7 hour book so it took me a long time to get through. I don't listen to books in my house because I don't find myself staying in the same room long enough. (Hence, the need for an iPod!) Anyway, I digress. The story was pretty broken up for me because I listened to it in little episodes. Nonetheless, the story was very intriguing and someday I will read it!

I always love a good historical fiction and I know very little about Poland. I was impressed (especially during the Epilogue) with the discussion of the endurance of the Poles. They have been terribly persecuted but maintained their patriotism. I felt kind of bad knowing that 10 years after this book was published another chapter in Polish persecution would begin.

A little side note: A benefit of listening to the tapes is that you don't have to pronounce the names! Here are some of the names spelled phonetically based on the audio book's pronunciation:

Charnetski - Harnetski
Kowalski - Korvalski
Elzbietka - Eusbieta
Kreutz - Croitz